Dr. Jaime Rodriguez
Academic training
- University Degree BY UPV. 1996.
- Postgraduate degree in Endodontics, College of Dentists of Islas Baleares. 2008-2009.
- Training in dental aesthetics, CEOSA.
- Use of Dental Microscope since 2013.
- Regular attendee to the annual national congress of SEPES and AEDE.
Attendance at courses and conferences
- Attendance at I International University Dental Week, ADEMA. Palma, May 2019.
- Dentoalveolar Trauma Course and CBCT planning. Official College of Dentists of Islas Baleares. May 2019.
- Biennial Congress C.O.E.M. Madrid, February 2019.
- Course Update in Endodontics. Official College of Dentists, Islas Baleares. November 2018.
- Successful Course-Failure of Endodontic Therapeutics. Official College of Dentists, Islas Baleares. May 2018.
- Course Update in Microscopic Endodontics. Official College of Dentists, Islas Baleares. February 2018.
- Course Management of Dental Reabsorptions and Update in Endodontics. Official College of Dentists, Islas Baleares. January 2018.
- Course on Microscopic and Piezoelectric Techniques. Center for Surgery of minimal invasion Jesus Usón, Cáceres 2016.
- Composite Stratification Course. GC Europe Centre, Belgium. 2014.
- Course in Microscopic Dentistry. Christian del Rey Clinic. Madrid, 2013.
- Aesthetic Periodontal Surgery Course. European Orthodontic Centre, CEOSA. Madrid, 2005.
Scientific Society to which it belongs
- Member of SEPES (Spanish Society of Stomatology and Aesthetic Prosthetics).
- Member of AEDE (Spanish Association of Endodontics).