Dra. Laura Garcinuño

Academic training

  • Degree in Dentistry at the University of Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid. Course 2009–2014.
  • Master’s degree in oral surgery and implantology. Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Maxillofacial Service, from september until july 2014-2016.

Attendance at courses and conferences


  • Course Update on bleaching techniques to achieve the highest predictability, Dr. Juanjo Iturralde. 2018
  • Course Management of periimplantitis and management of special patients, Dr. Chema Delgado. 2018.
  • Multidisciplinary Aesthetic Planning Course, Dr. Vicente Berbís. 2018.
  • Course of Soft Tissue Management by temporary restorations, Dr. Herminio. 2018.
  • Venipuncture course and its application in regeneration in oral surgery with Endoret technique (PRFG). 2018.


  • Course of improvement. Update in Periodontics. University of Santiago de Compostela. 2017.
  • Course in Endoret technology (PRFG) for facial rejuvenation aimed at dental specialists. Eduardo Anitua training institute. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2017.
  • Theoretical-practical accreditation course filled with infiltration hyaluronic acid. Madrid, 2017.
  • Theoretical-practical course in ITI oral implantology. Valencia, 2017.
  • Theoretical-practical modular course of prosthetics on implants. Madrid, 2017.
  • Intensive course mucogingival surgery. University of Valencia, 2017.


  • New technologies Course. Digital solutions in daily practice a multidisciplinary approach. Madrid, 2016.
  • Update course in implantology. Controversies in dental implantology. Satellite course Dr. Fouad Khoury. Chiron University Hospital. Madrid, 2016.
  • 2014
  • Theoretical-practical course of oral surgery on corpse heads. University of Valencia, 2014.
  • Scientific societies to which I am partner:
  • ITI Member.
  • SEPA Member.


  • Spanish: high level (language of origin).
  • Catalan: high level. C level.
  • English: medium level.